Music School
for beginners

Lena’s Simple Music presents a new, revolutionary piano method that brings pleasure and joy to playing both hands from the first lesson! In addition, the most essential approach to vocal training will take your performance and confidence to a whole new level.
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Our Lessons

Piano Lessons
Vocal Lessons
About Me

Hello, my name is Elena Nosov. I teach students piano and vocal for 10 years.

Not long ago I was introduced to a new methodology of a Simply Music program created by an Australian musician and author Neil Moore who offered a revolutionary teaching method that eased the process of learning for students. This new invention made a breakthrough in teaching piano in a way that everybody could enjoy playing songs with both hands from their first lessons!

Study with a professional
For adults and children from 5 years old
Performance Coaching
Recitals with other students
Lessons online or in person

Zoom Classes
Group or Individual

Our prices

Group or individual lessons

  • Online or in person
  • Minimum 3 students in class
  • Team work approach
  • Gospel, classic, blues, jazz, pop.
  • Accompaniments/Arrangements
  • Notes and rhymes
  • Compositions
  • Online or in person
  • "Play-base" approach
  • Gospel, classic, blues, jazz, pop.
  • Arrangements, Compositions, Improvisations
  • Personal choice of repertoire and genres
  • Notes and rhymes
  • Performance coaching

What our clients say
about lessons

My daughters studied vocals with Lena’s Simple Music and I see a huge difference as it was at the beginning and how they learned to sing during this year. Elena has an excellent methodology and approach to each child, and exercises for each child, depending on what needs to be emphasized for her. The eldest daughter noticed that it became easier for her to sing in the teenage-youth choir and now she can confidently read from the sheet while singing, take the right breath, and she even began to like her voice herself. We will continue to study vocals next year.

Lubov Karpov

 My boys are 8 and 10. They’ve had just 12 lessons with Simply Music and already know 12 songs. Not just ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star ‘ and ‘Mary Had A Little Lamb’, but real music. The boys are already playing the blues. They think they’re hot stuff.

Rebecca Neis

This is a wonderful music program and the results are astounding! Even if you don’t consider yourself musically inclined, this program is for you. I also think it could be a major breakthrough for children with a variety of cognitive delays and learning difficulties. I love Simply Music’s approach.

Dr. Anne Margaret Wright

 I have seen a lot of music programs over the years. Some were fun. Some were clever. Some were thorough. Here’s one that has it all. In terms of presentation, effectiveness, philosophy—you name it—there’s nothing out there that compares at all.

Mary Pride

I have only positive emotions and gratitude to Elena for the fact that she starts with an easy and pleasant acquaintance with music, and then includes solfeggio, musical theory, and notes when the child is ready. I am very grateful to Lena’s Simple Music for work, professionalism, and ability to find an approach for each child.

Pavel Karpov

Elena is a wonderful piano teacher. She owns the methods and techniques of pedagogical skill of playing the piano. She teaches children intelligently, patiently, and intelligibly. Thanks to this, my daughters quickly grasp the materials and look forward to the next class. I recommend this piano teacher.

Timonin family